Quote Originally Posted by r_kk
Quote Originally Posted by HindustaniLadka
Here are some facts about India(forgive me if someone already posted these earlier):

According to Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the only language that is suitable to make a computer programming language.

India has never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

India is the only society in the world which has never known slavery.

India is the world's largest consumer of gold. And, by year 2000 the Indian market for gold will reach 1000 tons.
Hi HL,
some of your statements are not true. Even though I appreciate your proudness of being Indian, the above statements or being proud about old history are going to bring any real source of wealth or happiness to any one.

As on today, sanskrit is spoken by very limited people and its application to computer programming is highly questionable. Can you please explain how it is better than any other language for programming?

As usual with many kings, Indian Kings also equally egoistic and fought many wars with other Indian Kings for useless reasons. Raja Rajan could able to reach Indinesia and Srilanka. If you call all these countries as part of old India, your claims may be correct. The other major reason for not imposing war on other countries is that India is being land locked by Himalyas and seas.

"India is the only society has never know slavery....!!!"
... surprising news. We can tell India is the only country still slavery exist in the form of caste system.

Regarding the quantity of Gold purchased by Indians... Gold is the form of locked or unflow money. In a real economical development of a country such large blockage of money by individual in the form of Gold will not bring any growth to the country. We can tell differently that India is the one of the place where lot of money is invested on useless decorative jewells (also part of money transfer in illegal practices like dowry, black money storage etc).
Sanskrit is better as a programming language than other spoken langauges because it is syntactially perfect, it is the most unambiguous langauge on Earth, and it is systematically perfect.
Also, Sanskrit itself may not be spoken by many people today, but it is still alive in many Indian languages like Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, etc.

As for the thing about India not invading other countries, i'm not sure whether any of the countries in South-East Asia were populated at the time. I think you could be correct on the other part though, but i have to research more about that.

India is the largest consumer of gold because it has great value in Indian culture, not because of illegal practices or anything liek that. People buying gold and jewels for themselves is not going to hurt the Indian economy in anyway. It is not like India is going by the gold standard or anything like that.

When i say slavery, i mean literal slavery where people are forcefully captured and forced to work. The caste system does not really force people to work, they can run away without being chased after if they feel like. In real slavery, the slaves are chained down to their masters property and if they try to escape they will be killed. When you think about it, every country has its onwn form of the caste system. For example, in America, the poor are kept down and they are expected to do all the labor jobs, the business class is looked down upon by the rich and educated class. There is even a racial herarchy. Asians and Indians are ussually in the higher intellectual class. Whites are basically spread out into every class. African-Americans and Hispanics are generally in the lower labour class. Anyway, my point is that the caste system exists everywhere, but the only difference is that it does not have a name in other nations.

Oh, by the way, i'm not trying to say the corrupted form of the caste system that has been followed for some time around the world is correct and i am not trying to be racist. I know there are plenty of successful African-Americans and Hispanics in America, but if you look at statistics, they are generally poorer than others...not because they are inferior, but because tey have been pushed down throughout history.(Slavery, etc.)