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Thread: My first short film.

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    My first short film.

    Hi all,

    Not sure where to post this, so decided to put it here. Please check out my first serious attempt at film-making and give your feedback. This film was shot in Bangalore over three days in 2013. Dialogs are mainly in English.

    I am a big fan of IR and the dialogs and BGM reveal this.


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    Senior Member Regular Hubber Bipolar's Avatar
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    I have watched part of it...

    Will watch the rest later and then comment...

    So far, quite good...

    It would be nice if you could share some technical details as well... e.g.

    ....................- What camera(s) did you use?
    ....................- How did you do editing?
    ....................- How much did this cost overall?
    ....................- Are you a trained or professional writer/director/actor?
    ....................- etc...

    Last edited by Bipolar; 23rd January 2014 at 11:01 PM.

  4. #3
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Bipolar's Avatar
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    Watched it fully...

    So they went to Karthik's home... what did they do? Can we make our own assumptions?

    Hey! I just meant... I'm assuming they played Scrabble...

    Not bad for a first attempt... But I feel certain things could have been done differently...

    Keep working!

    "The best form is no form." - Bruce Lee

  5. #4
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    Thanks for your review. film was inspired by a Jeffrey Archer short story. I did not explicitly show what they did there - viewer can make their own assumptions. Also, it was only 60 to 70% of what I wanted to do. since it was my first time, due to logistics and timing constraints we could not re-shoot some scenes and had to compromise a bit in the script.

    about myself: I have been in the US for 15+ years - work in the software industry. I have always been interested in films, and took a short course in film-making a few years ago. I was very active in the early 2000s on the tfmpage discussion site, but then stopped posting there though I am still very much interested in tamil film music.

    I worked out of India the last two years and took the opportunity to make this film. It is my first film. I used semi-professionals in bangalore for cinematography, music, and editing. all of them work full-time in IT and do this on the side. I did the dubbing and bgm recording/mixing in a studio in bangalore. total cost came to around Rs.80,000. We rented a Canon 5D Mark 2 camera for the shoot.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Bipolar's Avatar
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    Okay Tigger2, here are some of my thoughts… please don’t be offended by my comments, I thought I’d offer some “constructive criticism”…

    Those of you who haven’t seen the film – please be aware there are spoilers ahead!!

    My interpretation of the basic situation in the story – a young man comes across an attractive young woman. He pursues this young woman, they have some pleasant conversation, and end up spending the night together. The following day, the young man finds out that the young woman wasn’t quite who he had imagined her to be.

    My interpretation of the story from Karthik’s point of view: he’s the owner/manager of a restaurant, he comes across an attractive young woman, seems to believe he has found love at first sight. He pursues her, talks to her, and begins to think there is a possibility of an interesting, meaningful relationship. They spend the night together, and the following morning, he finds out that the young woman is/was actually married, and has a child. Nevertheless, they both seem to agree that their meeting was pleasant, and they will take the happy memory with them.

    My interpretation of the story from Preethi’s point of view: she’s a dentist, she is/was married and has a child, but she does not appear completely happy or satisfied with her profession or even with her marriage. She was waiting for someone to join her at the theatre, but unfortunately they had to cancel at the last minute. She meets this pleasant young man who seems very interested in getting to know her, and feels flattered by the attention he is showing towards her. Maybe she did not get this kind of attention from her own husband? Maybe she really felt the need for a genuinely emotionally meaningful relationship with someone, and she feels there is a possibility of such a relationship with Karthik? She is a little nervous, but eventually they spend the night together. The following morning, she did not feel that she could tell him that she was married, but eventually, they met once more, maybe for the last time, and they appear to part company on pleasant terms.

    Dialogue – I felt some of the dialogue was not very strong. “I wonder how people manage to fall in love without listening to his [Ilayaraja’s] music…” or “you sat through a whole play without understanding it… for me… that’s so romantic…” or “I want to try your coffee” or “I’ll remember last night for the rest of my life…” or “I too will remember last night…” etc. Er… sorry, but I really didn’t feel very impressed by that dialogue…

    Rather than Preethi not knowing anything about Ilayaraja’s music, I would suggest it would have been more interesting if they had a detailed conversation about one of his songs, and they both begin to enjoy the discussion as they begin to debate some of the finer points, e.g. they could debate why did Ilayaraja compose so many songs in "Keeravaani" Raagam?, and realise they have something in common, or something like that… (I mean, well… I once had a long, very interesting conversation with an attractive young lady about music, and I was really astonished to find out how similar our musical tastes were… everything from rock and metal, to film scores and “classical” stuff… it was a very interesting conversation… but we did not go home together ) Then, they could move on to other topics of conversation… stuff that Yuppies like to discuss… articles they read about in Time magazine or India Today, etc. (that’s one way Yuppies like to show off their credentials, I think) And why not move sideways? You talked about Ilayaraja, why not introduce us to other musicians who are probably less well known? That way, both your protagonist Karthik and you (as the writer/director) can make much more of an impact on us, your audience…

    I would have expected Preethi to be in a “bad mood”/irritated/annoyed (at the start) – because someone failed to meet her when she was expecting them! I thought maybe she had actually been waiting for her husband, rather than her sister, and I thought she would have been really disappointed and hurt… but she didn’t seem to show any sign of that… And I would have expected that she would be more reserved at first, maybe she would initially show her irritation towards Karthik, and then gradually feel more comfortable over the course of the rest of the evening… I would say that Preethi should have had perhaps even less dialogue in the beginning… the character should have had more “mystique”… she should express herself through the expressions on her face, and by her general behavior… she should have had less smiling in the beginning – maybe the scene in the theatre where everyone laughs, she should have remained silent (to indicate she is not in a good mood) – we should be shown the expressions on her face to try and understand her thoughts… particularly through the look(s) in her eyes… her eyes should tell us whether she trusts Karthik or not… when she realizes that Karthik sat through the play just for her, she shouldn’t say that that was romantic, but should have been speechless, and her eyes should show that she was touched… and the camera/cinematographer should help with close-up shots of her face and eyes…

    I would also suggest that maybe Preethi should have had a different hairstyle – I thought maybe a hairstyle like the one worn by Amala Paul in the film “Kaadhalil Sodhapuvadhu Eppadi (it’s quite a common hairstyle for young women, but I don’t know what it’s called) – I think that would have made her “stand out” – it would have made her look more youthful and more attractive, and in the last scene (i.e. where Karthik finds her at the Dental hospital) the “neutral” hairstyle, i.e. to give her a more “professional” appearance was appropriate – this would have clearly depicted the contrast between the two sides of the character – on one side, a consummate professional, on the other side, a young woman, with her womanly needs and desires.

    And why “Preethi”? You could have tried a more interesting name… something like Revathi, Gayathri, or Avantika, for example.

    I felt that in the last scene, the story should have been left “unresolved”, i.e. Preethi should have avoided meeting Karthik, and he soon leaves, and then we see a look of sadness in Preethi’s eyes, or something like that… Or perhaps it turns out that Preethi is not actually from the same town/city – maybe she is from another town/city nearby, 50 miles away… this would add to the character’s “distance”… taking an evening to go to the theatre to watch a play was a chance for her to “escape” from the emptiness of her actual real life? This would add to Karthik's sense of astonishment when he finds out that she is not quite what he had expected...
    And I had to watch the last scene once more to fully grasp the story – I realized, watching it the second time, that Karthik was not actually smiling, and he walks away… I would say the camera should have made this clearer… the angle from which it was filmed leaves some ambiguity… This is actually a very important detail… if Karthik smiles, then the story has a very different meaning altogether…

    And, interiors… think of coffee shops… I do go to coffee shops regularly, not for the coffee though… it’s for the atmosphere… the furniture, the lighting, the music, the general ambience, etc. It all goes together to create the right kind of warmth for people to have relaxing conversations, etc. You could have shown us some long/wide-angle shots of the interior of Desmond’s to establish the atmosphere of that scene more strongly.

    Overall, visual quality of the camera was good – good definition, vivid colours (I felt there was a preponderance of reddish hues), but I felt that the camera could have worked more closely with the artists – as I said, by showing us things that the dialogue cannot tell us.

    Sound quality, recording, editing, etc. was good – crisp. Music – good, but too much use of synthesizers… I felt acoustic guitar might have been more appropriate at certain points…

    And, as a general storytelling technique, I have found that it is important to ask the question, “What were the characters doing before the story?”, i.e. if they hadn’t met, what would they be doing? Karthik, at the start of the film, was talking to someone on the phone, and he told them “he knows it’s urgent”… You can tell us just a little bit more about that… adds to the detail and therefore adds to the realism… And “What did they do after the story?” Life goes on, even after the emotions burn out (but the memory remains, and can add a certain colour of its own). It would be nice to know where the characters were two years later…

    But of course this is a short film, with constraints of time, logistics, budget considerations, etc. And you are the writer/director/creator of this story, your interpretation was probably completely different… please don’t be offended by my comments… forgive me if I got it unacceptably wrong… I have no film-making experience, but I tried writing some short stories a little while ago, and I know how it is… sometimes I had ideas which I thought were interesting, but not enough time or energy to develop things fully, so I had to abandon my efforts…

    And sorry if my comments are unhelpful…

    Last edited by Bipolar; 26th January 2014 at 06:29 AM.
    "The best form is no form." - Bruce Lee

  7. #6
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    I am not at all offended.. on the contrary I am flattered that you analyzed the film to this extent and came up with so many suggestions. in this day and age, time is at a premium, so the fact that you spent so much time on this feels good! you probably also got so absorbed that you forgot this is my first attempt at film-making...

    Your interpretation of the story from POV of main characters is accurate. one thing I wanted to convey that might not have come out correctly was that she was not looking for an affair. she was impressed by the attention he paid her and on an impulse decided to prolong the experience by inviting herself to his house for coffee. at that time she did not realize the implications of what she was getting into.

    I will try to respond to your other points.

    some of the dialogs, especially the original note she wrote was from the book. hero's addition "I too..." was my own. I wanted to convey that he understood her completely and did not try to play the victim, or consider her a bad woman. The comment on IR was a thought that really crossed my mind when I was enjoying one of his songs.. and I decided to use it. plus it gave an opening to reveal that she had never fallen in love before. I am fine that you did not like the dialogs.. you cannot please everyone!

    I feel there was not enough time to build up common interests between them. that would have spoiled the story... plus as it is there was too much conversation and not enough action.

    I don't think it would have helped showing her as annoyed at the start. I envisioned her as a guileless and innocent character, a class woman beautiful inside and out, and very comfortable in her skin. i.e. not someone who dresses up in the latest fashion to impress others.

    Preethi means love in Kannada. that's why I used that name.

    I am not sure if showing Karthik's face at the end would have helped. He revealed his thoughts in the note and walks away with no hard feelings.

    since this is my first film, it was definitely a learning experience. I was director, production manager, and set boy at the same time. writing the script is just half the battle. making a film requires a lot of planning and good assistants to help. I did not have much time to pay attention to detail or reshoot some of the scenes that did not come out the way I wanted. due to lack of planning for nighttime lighting, we could not also shoot some scenes that I wanted when they were in the moving car, or when they were walking to where he parked his car. so we ended up shooting a lot of the dialogs when they were in the stationary car at the signal.

    In any case, thanks again. I hope to do better at my next attempt.
    Last edited by tigger2; 26th January 2014 at 11:42 AM.

  8. #7
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    tigger2, are you sure you want to hear my review? Well, technically it is OK! (I enjoyed that bit about the notorious autowallahs of B'lore!) Nothing lacking. But...the content is not to my taste. Definitely not my cuppa! My strict set of values refuse to be bent by all the forceful 'modern' trends I see around me!!! This is my narration of the story as I perceived it: Karthick sees a good 'figure' standing alone. His interest is aroused instantly. Luckily for him he gets to buy her extra ticket and sits next to her to watch a Kannada film he doesn't understand!Keeps casting lascivious looks at her in the dark, gallantly offers snacks and follows her outside the theatre to see her off. Again luck is on his side and her inability to get an auto makes her accept his offer to drop her at her place. Polished modern youth they are they stop at Desmonds and he never takes his eyes off her being congeniality itself through the party. To a complete stranger she tells her disappointment at becoming an orthodentist as per the desire of her dentist parents and not following her passion for dancing. The prey is an easy one, he feels. He adds about his sad return from the US to take up family responsibilities. Nice bonding! Huh! Preethi's eyes widen when she learns that he doesn't have to pay there, that he owns the place. From then she is all smiles and brightness. Odious and obvious. She proposes coffee. He says he prefers his home coffee to any coffee shop coffee. Mind you, he is not still openly inviting her to his place! A very decent 'gentleman'. But she has no scruples about inviting herself to his place at night. Such brazen attitudes and approaches of 'modern' females are subjects for my deep concern and scorn! She is 'ready' for anything. She is not afraid. And everything follows ditto as per both their calculation. The 'starved' woman is satisfied- her note says it. But, alas, it is an anti climax for our hero(called romantic by Preethi for sitting through a movie he doesn't understand-confident anticipation, I call it) and his replying note says it- oh, the bitch doesn't understand it!!!
    I warned you, tigger2! Can't help it. I make no secret of how I can't empathise or sympathise with 'starving' women! I have better standards for women (and men too!).Old hubber friends who know me will vouch for it.
    The youngsters in my family hasten to warn me against watching any of these new movies being released lately to save me from hypertension. I have literally stopped watching movies! My interest lies in participating in essay contests about closure of tasmac!!! I stopped visiting a females site after the 'modern' upstarts started showing crass attitudes towards my articles.
    Instead of depicting realism, the truthful occurrences and indirectly getting them endorsed, accepted, normalised why not try to uphold precious values? Why not depict the beauty of love differentiating it from lust? Lust is a common instinct we share with beasts; love is purely human, unique to the intellectual, intelligent, consummate species!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  9. #8
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    நான்கு படங்கள் எடுத்த பின்பும் இயக்குனர்கள் தடுமாறும் இந்த காலத்தில், முதல் படத்திலேயே அழகாய் ஒரு ஓவியம் வரைந்திருக்கிறீர்கள். உங்கள் தாடியிலும், ப்ரீத்தியின் முகத்திலும் சிரிக்கும் போது கூட சின்னதாய் ஒரு சோகம். இது போன்ற படங்களுக்கு அப்படி தான் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

    முதல் சந்திப்பிலேயே நம்ம ஊரில் ஒரு பெண் அருகில் அமர்ந்து படம் பார்க்கும் பெண், ஒரு ஆணை நம்பி காரில் ஏறி, டின்னர் சாப்பிட்டு, இரவில் வீடு வந்து தங்கி காபி குடித்து தங்குவது என்பதெல்லாம் நம்ப இயலாது தான். வெளிநாடுகளில் கூட இது சாத்தியம் இல்லை. கலாச்சார சீர்கேடு என்று சிலர் சொல்ல கூடும். அது அவர்கள் இஷ்டம். தனிமையில் செய்தால் சரி, அதுவே யாருக்கும் தெரிந்தால் அது தவறு என்று சொல்லும் காலம் இது. ப்ரீத்திக்கும், கார்த்திக்கும் முன்னரே ஒரு கனெக்ஷன் இருந்தது போல் காட்டி இருக்கலாம். (பள்ளி, காலேஜ் அல்லது சிறு வயதில் பக்கத்து வீடு போன்ற....)

    படம் எடுக்க பட்ட சூழ்நிலையும், இடங்களும் அழகு. கேமரா கோணங்களும், பின்னணி இசையும் உறுத்தாத அளவிற்கு நன்றாகவே இருந்தது. நல்ல முயற்சி.. வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Bipolar's Avatar
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    PP ma'am!! Can I respectfully say a few things...

    First of all, this is a short film - less than twenty minutes long! So the story had to be presented in a condensed form, which is why the events in the story appear to proceed "too quickly"!!

    Second, as Tigger2 stated, Preethi is a guileless, innocent character... she invited herself to Karthik's place impulsively... she felt comfortable with him and felt he was a nice person, felt she wanted to get to know him... she did not have any other intentions... she later seems to feel she should have thought through the implications more carefully!!

    Third, well how shall I say this... how do we know whether the story is about lust, or about love? Or maybe it's just about an innocent friendship (at least from Preethi's point of view)? It's our assumption as viewers... I mean, how do we know what they did at Karthik's home? Maybe Karthik had a piano or a guitar at home, maybe he played some Ilayaraja songs for Preethi... or maybe she told him more about dancing... not only Bharatanatyam, maybe she also wanted to discuss some of the great ballets like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty, maybe she had some ideas about how to adapt those tales to an Indian fashion and present through Indian dance forms, maybe Karthik had a similar artistic interest... or maybe they talked about Karthik's preference for cafe au lait rather than a latte... or maybe Preethi actually explained what the play was about (considering that Karthik actually doesn't know Kannada)... maybe Karthik told her more about what he studied when he was abroad, etc... or maybe they were just playing Scrabble ... They spent some time together, two innocent people doing completely innocent things!! It is not fair to assume that all "modern" youth have abandoned "traditional" values and that they are purely driven by selfish desires...

    BUT, at least to some extent, I would agree... the first time I watched it, I had doubts... particularly the scene of Karthik waking up from his bed in the morning, and asking himself if it was all a dream... seems to hint at something in particular, but still does not actually explicitly say anything...
    And I do understand your comments... and I have to agree... although I consider myself to be a "modern" youth, I feel uncomfortable with certain attitudes that I see in other people of my own generation or a few years younger than me... but the thing is, these are not exactly "modern" developments... we are all human beings, and natural human behaviour does not always meet "ideal" moral standards... what is different these days is that there is more "openness"... people are willing to discuss things more "openly" than before, and I feel that is a good thing... BUT, in my opinion, it would be best to discuss that in a different thread!!

    The point here is Tigger2 has made his first short film - he spent Rs 80,000 on this film, he spent a lot of time and effort on it as well, so I would say - respectfully - it may not be perfect, but I want to give all the encouragement I can!!

    And I'm sure Tigger2 will consider your comments and think about why the story was interpreted in this way and perhaps consider presenting a story in a slightly different manner next time?

    All the best!!

    Just by the way, can I suggest these films - if you haven't seen them already - "The Station Agent" (2003), "Last Chance Harvey" (2008), and probably also "Lost in Translation" (2003) - all three films about lonely people finding friendship/love in unexpected situations...

    Last edited by Bipolar; 26th January 2014 at 07:06 PM.
    "The best form is no form." - Bruce Lee

  11. #10
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bipolar View Post

    PP ma'am!! Can I respectfully say a few things...

    First of all, this is a short film - less than twenty minutes long! So the story had to be presented in a condensed form, which is why the events in the story appear to proceed "too quickly"!!

    Second, as Tigger2 stated, Preethi is a guileless, innocent character... she invited herself to Karthik's place impulsively... she felt comfortable with him and felt he was a nice person, felt she wanted to get to know him... she did not have any other intentions... she later seems to feel she should have thought through the implications more carefully!!

    Third, well how shall I say this... how do we know whether the story is about lust, or about love? Or maybe it's just about an innocent friendship (at least from Preethi's point of view)? It's our assumption as viewers... I mean, how do we know what they did at Karthik's home? Maybe Karthik had a piano or a guitar at home, maybe he played some Ilayaraja songs for Preethi... or maybe she told him more about dancing... not only Bharatanatyam, maybe she also wanted to discuss some of the great ballets like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty, maybe she had some ideas about how to adapt those tales to an Indian fashion and present through Indian dance forms, maybe Karthik had a similar artistic interest... or maybe they talked about Karthik's preference for cafe au lait rather than a latte... or maybe Preethi actually explained what the play was about (considering that Karthik actually doesn't know Kannada)... maybe Karthik told her more about what he studied when he was abroad, etc... or maybe they were just playing Scrabble ... They spent some time together, two innocent people doing completely innocent things!! It is not fair to assume that all "modern" youth have abandoned "traditional" values and that they are purely driven by selfish desires...

    BUT, at least to some extent, I would agree... the first time I watched it, I had doubts... particularly the scene of Karthik waking up from his bed in the morning, and asking himself if it was all a dream... seems to hint at something in particular, but still does not actually explicitly say anything...
    And I do understand your comments... and I have to agree... although I consider myself to be a "modern" youth, I feel uncomfortable with certain attitudes that I see in other people of my own generation or a few years younger than me... but the thing is, these are not exactly "modern" developments... we are all human beings, and natural human behaviour does not always meet "ideal" moral standards... what is different these days is that there is more "openness"... people are willing to discuss things more "openly" than before, and I feel that is a good thing... BUT, in my opinion, it would be best to discuss that in a different thread!!

    The point here is Tigger2 has made his first short film - he spent Rs 80,000 on this film, he spent a lot of time and effort on it as well, so I would say - respectfully - it may not be perfect, but I want to give all the encouragement I can!!

    And I'm sure Tigger2 will consider your comments and think about why the story was interpreted in this way and perhaps consider presenting a story in a slightly different manner next time?

    All the best!!

    Just by the way, can I suggest these films - if you haven't seen them already - "The Station Agent" (2003), "Last Chance Harvey" (2008), and probably also "Lost in Translation" (2003) - all three films about lonely people finding friendship/love in unexpected situations...

    Wish I were gullible enough to believe all your funny 'may be's! Why should Karthick look shocked/dismayed at seeing Preethi's family photo? This being his 1st attempt and the expenses and trouble of having done it etc has no relevance since I clearly had agreed about the technical quality of the film and clarified about my having problem only with the content and concluded suggesting examplary themes for betterment and upholding the dignity of the human race- all purely personal! No offence meant!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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